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Introducing a collection of a cappella choral compositions for use in Orthodox Christian liturgical services and sacred music concerts.


Each of the settings below is either an original composition by David Lucs or, as noted, based on a particular chant tradition or motif found within the Orthodox liturgical music tradition.

Permission is granted to download and duplicate these settings for liturgical use only. For commissions and use in concert repertoire, please email David.
All other rights reserved.

New Liturgical Music Compositions

Great Litany (4 voice - GM)

00:00 / 00:45

Great Litany (4 voice - Dm)

00:00 / 00:30

Little Litany (4 voice - FM)

00:00 / 00:28

From the Rising (4 voice - GM)

00:00 / 00:25

Only Begotten Son (2 voice - Fm)

00:00 / 01:07

Only Begotten Son (4 voice - Fm)

00:00 / 01:07

Only Begotten Litany (2 voice - Fm)

00:00 / 00:30

Only Begotten Litany (4 voice - Fm)

00:00 / 00:30

Trisagion (4 voice - Am: multi language)

00:00 / 01:04

Trisagion (4 voice - Am: English)

00:00 / 01:24

Trisagion (4 voice - Am: Finnish)

00:00 / 01:04

Trisagion (4 voice - Am: Georgian)

00:00 / 01:04

Trisagion (4 voice - Am: Greek)

00:00 / 01:04

Trisagion (4 voice - Am: Romanian)

00:00 / 01:04

Trisagion (4 voice - Am: Slavonic)

00:00 / 01:04

Trisagion (4 voice - Am: Spanish)

00:00 / 01:04

Alleluia (4 voice - GM)

00:00 / 00:25

Anaphora (4 voice - Am)

00:00 / 03:45

One is Holy (4 voice - A)

00:00 / 00:41

Wednesday Koinonikon (2 voice - FM)

00:00 / 00:24

Magnificat (4 voice - GM)

00:00 / 02:25

Matins Resurrection Troparion (2 voice - Tone 4 - CM)

00:00 / 00:33

Matins Resurrection Troparion (4 voice - Tone 4 - CM)

00:00 / 00:33

Matins Resurrection Troparion (2 voice - Tone 8 - FM)

00:00 / 01:07

Matins Resurrection Troparion (4 voice - Tone 8 - FM)

00:00 / 01:07

Prokeimenon - Thursday "Their Proclamation" (4 voice - GM)

00:00 / 00:27

Prokeimenon - Thursday "Their Proclamation" (2 voice - GM)

00:00 / 00:27

Protection of the Theotokos - Troparion (Tone 4 "Obikhod," arr. D Lucs)

00:00 / 00:52

Protection of the Theotokos - Kontakion (Tone 3)

00:00 / 00:42

Nativity Vespers: Doxastichon (2 voice - Tone 2 automelon)

00:00 / 01:13

Nativity Vespers: Prokeimenon (Tone 1 - 4 voice - A)

00:00 / 00:29

Nativity Vespers: Prokeimenon (Tone 1 - 4 voice - B)

00:00 / 00:27

Nativity Liturgy: Prokeimenon (Tone 8 - 4 voice)

00:00 / 00:33

Nativity Liturgy: Hymn to the Theotokos (4 voice - EbM)

00:00 / 01:09

Nativity Liturgy: Litany before the Lord's Prayer (4 voice - EbM)

00:00 / 00:36

Beneath Your Compassion (4 voice - GM)

00:00 / 00:54

Bridegroom Matins: Exapostilarion (3 voice female - Tone 8 - A)

00:00 / 01:14

Bridegroom Matins: Exapostilarion (3 voice male - Tone 8 - B)

00:00 / 01:04

Holy Friday Matins: Exapostilarion (3 voice female - Am - A)

00:00 / 00:36

Holy Friday Matins: Exapostilarion (3 voice male - Am - B)

00:00 / 00:36

Holy Friday Matins: Exapostilarion (3 voice female - Gm)

00:00 / 00:48

Holy Friday Matins: Exapostilarion (3 voice male - Gm)

00:00 / 00:48

Holy Friday Matins: XV Antiphon (1 voice Em)

00:00 / 01:55

Let All Mortal Flesh (4 voice - Am)

00:00 / 03:36

By the Waters of Babylon (4 voice Dm - closed harmony)

00:00 / 01:07

By the Waters of Babylon (4 voice Dm - wide harmony)

00:00 / 02:35

Saturday Prokeimenon (4 voice - Dm)

00:00 / 00:14

Paschal Verses on the Third Antiphon (1 voice - Fm)

00:00 / 00:36

Click on these links to view other choral compositions by David Lucs.

Permission is granted to download and duplicate these settings for liturgical use only. For commissions and use in concert repertoire, please email David.
All other rights reserved.

© 2024 The DLucs Collection

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